About Kaskuja Studio and Songs of Skydale
The first game made by Kaskuja Studio, Songs of Skydale, is 2D adventure game with hack-and-slash combat and RPG elements. The development of the game began summer 2015 as a side project. Since then, the game has grown from a simple prototype to a full-scale action RPG game.
Check out the trailer:
At first glance, Songs of Skydale appears to be a typical action RPG and, to some extent, that impression is true. The player is a stranger who arrives in the Kingdom of Skydale with hopes of beginning a new life. Straight away, the player is involved in various events and quests. As the game progresses, the player faces different characters, items, enemies, dungeons, and puzzles.
Although Songs of Skydale has typical action RPG elements, the game is distinctive from the other RPG or adventure games. Songs of Skydale is a passion project – it is a game by a player for players. The idea of the game is to give players a sense of adventure without too much hand-holding, so be prepared! When adventuring through the lands of Skydale, players must navigate using paper maps and information provided by the quest givers. If players enter uninhabited areas, they must be ready to fight against various enemies and survive until they can reach the next safe area.
Navigation is done solely with paper maps. As a developer, my opinion is that GPS-style maps are a very effective way to kill the sense of adventure, especially in games with relatively small worlds. Paper maps will give the player motivation to wander around and discover interesting quests or even hidden gold.
The combat in Songs of Skydale is fast and skill-based. Fast combat means the player can move and attack at the same time. The combat can feel difficult sometimes but it is not unfair. Correctly timed attacks, blocks, dodges, and spells are the keys to success. The game has multiple enemies with different attributes. Some enemies are fast and weak. Some enemies are slow and strong. No matter what enemy the player is facing, there is always a proper way to deal with them. Sometimes it is better to use spells and sometimes a basic attack combined with a block skill will do the trick.
The graphics of the game are designed to be distinctive. Songs of Skydale emphasizes realism in detail in the graphics. This means different objects (buildings, trees, characters, etc.) are carefully detailed with a realistic scale.
For first time players, Songs of Skydale will take effort, but eventually, the player will grow accustomed to the combat style and the game will give the player an interesting, quest-filled world to explore! For those who are interested in Songs of Skydale, check out the Steam page.
Steam: store.steampowered.com/app/1062480/Songs_of_Skydale/
- Action RPG
- Open world
- Hack-and-slash style combat
- Game Time: 6–15 hours
- 21 different quests
- 11 different dungeons
- 58 different items
- 14 passive skills
- 5 spells
- Paper maps
- Remappable Controls